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The TB CAB engages in dialogue with governments, normative bodies, product developers, and other stakeholders, including through open letters. These letters are designed to advance community priorities in a format that promotes transparency and public accountability. Here are TB CAB letters and the corresponding responses.

Urgent action necessary for equitable access to bedaquiline in all countries with high burdens of TB, MDR-TB, and TB/HIV
11 July 2023

Urgent Action Necessary to Improve Equitable Access to GeneXpert TB Diagnostics and Achieve 1/4/6×24
28 February 2023

Urgent Action Necessary to Improve Equitable Access to Bedaquiline-Based Regimens and Achieve 1/4/6×24
13 January 2023

Updates Required to the National TB Guidelines to Support Access to Shorter Regimens as a Human Right in India
21 October 2022

Advocates Call on Unitaid to Prioritise AIDS deaths and TB treatment in its Investment and Strategic Plans
8 December 2021

Advocates Urge Cepheid to Reinstate Plans to Commercialize GeneXpert Omni
14 October 2021

International Support for License to Address Access barriers to Life-Saving TB Medicines
30 September 2021

Advocates Request Cepheid Increase Access to GeneXpert SARS-CoV-2 Tests in LMICs
25 February 2021

Civil Society Call for Equitable and Affordable Access to COVID-19 and Related Diagnostics
24 April 2020

TB Alliance Responds to Questions Raised by Activists in Relation to Pretomanid
13 December 2019

Time to Lower the Price of Xpert Cartridges to $5 – Original Letter and Responses
21 October 2019

Transparency and Access to Pretomanid and the Nix-TB Regimen
29 July 2019

Advocates Call on TB Alliance to Make Public the Pretomanid Licensing Agreement with Mylan
10 June 2019

Crisis of Confidence in the WHO’s Ability to Produce Normative Guidance for the Treatment of RR-/MDR-TB
5 June 2019

Advocates Raise Serious Concerns About Errors in the WHO Guidelines for the Treatment of Drug-Resistant TB
23 April 2019

Advocates call on Indian government to improve its response to drug-resistant TB
21 December 2018

Advocates call on Kenyan government to immediately address dangerous stock out of diagnostic tests for TB
19 December 2018

Urgent need to address the Global Fund procurement cliff for TB
26 October 2018

Advocates Call on Otsuka to Reduce the Price of Delamanid
11 October 2018

Urgent Need to Register Essential Medicines for the Treatment and Prevention of TB in South Africa
23 August 2018

Activists Call on Johnson & Johnson to Drop the Price of Bedaquiline
13 July 2018

Advocates Call on Indian Minister of Health to Introduce Injection-Free Drug-Resistant TB Treatment Regimen
10 July 2018

Human Rights Are Imperative to the Success of the TB Response
6 June 2018

Advocates Call for Urgent Reforms of WHO TB Diagnosis and Treatment Guidelines
8 May 2018

Advocates Call on PEPFAR to Ensure TB-LAM Testing in 2018 COPs
5 April 2018

Advocates Call on WHO to Consolidate and Revise Its Guidance Regarding the Treatment for MDR-TB
1 February 2018

Advocates Call on Kenyan Government to Fast Track Implementation of New TB Diagnostic Tools
11 December 2017

Advocates Call for a Transparent Process to Determine the Next WHO Global TB Program Director
11 December 2017

Advocates Call on Romanian Authorities to Ensure Universal Access to TB Treatment
16 November 2017

Civil Society in India and Kenya Get Organized Ahead of the Global Ministerial Conference and the UN High-Level Meeting on TB
8 November 2017

Advocates Call on Kenyan DLTLD to Adopt New TB Test
3 August 2017

Advocates Call on Otsuka to Ensure Access to Delamanid in South Africa
24 March 2017

Advocates Encourage the Health Authorities in Peru to Approve the EndTB Study
10 March 2017

Advocates Call on Sequella to Provide Open Access to Sutezolid Data
21 February 2017

Advocates Maintain Pressure on the Ministry of Health to Facilitate Access to Delamanid in Peru
10 February 2017

Advocates Encourage Danaher to Continue Investments in Cepheid’s TB Products
17 January 2017

Advocates Call on the Indian Prime Minister to Ensure Availability of New TB Drugs to Combat Drug-Resistant TB
13 January 2017

Advocates Encourage Prioritization of Drug-Resistant TB Research
19 December 2016

Advocates Call for the Philippines Food and Drug Administration to Register Delamanid
19 December 2016

Advocates Encourage the Establishment of an Essential Diagnostics List
18 November 2016

Advocates Call on Pharma Companies to Improve Access to MDR-TB Drugs
26 October 2016

Advocates Call for the Ministry of Health in Peru to Facilitate Access to Delamanid
16 October 2016

Urgent Action Required to End Bureaucratic Delays and Expedite Enrollment of the NExT Study
30 August 2016

Advocates Appeal to the Union Board to Host Union World Conferences on Lung Health in High TB Burden Countries
24 August 2016

Activists Call for Withdrawal of Substandard TB Test from India
30 June 2016

Advocates Call for the Ministry of Health in Cote d’Ivoire to Adopt New TB Test
16 June 2016

Advocates Commend Johns Hopkins University for Pursuing a Public Health Driven Path for Sutezolid’s Development
30 May 2016

Advocates, Alarmed by Appalling Global Response to MDR-TB Outbreak in Papua New Guinea, Call on International Agencies to Take Action
23 March 2016

Urgent Need to Make Linezolid Available in South Africa at Affordable Price
15 December 2015

Urgent Need to Register Quality Generic Versions of Linezolid in South Africa
23 November 2015

Urgent need to scale up access to new treatment options for MDR-TB in the Philippines
24 September 2015

Appeal to Develop VXc-486 for Tuberculosis
15 September 2015

TB Community Reiterates Request to Johns Hopkins to Review Sutezolid Licensing Agreement with Sequella
8 July 2015

Open letter to WHO: Recording and reporting of preventive TB therapy in children
11 May 2015

Letter from TB Community re: Intellectual Property Rights to Sutezolid
7 May 2015

TB CAB, TAG Open Letter to the Global Plan Development Task Force
5 May 2015

Open Letter to WHO: Time to Report Preventive TB Therapy for Children
24 March 2015

Civil Society Calls for the Retirement of Stigmatizing and Criminalizing Language from the Global TB Discourse
10 March 2015

Call to Action: Accelerate Access to DR-TB Drugs
10 March 2015

Open Letter to South African Medical Schemes re: Covering Linezolid
11 December 2014

South Africa: DR-TB Patients, Activists Demand Registering Generic Linezolid
30 October 2014

Open Letter to Janssen: Reducing the Price of Bedaquiline
10 September 2014

Letter from Community Groups to Regulators Regarding Bedaquiline Phase III Trial Design
28 July 2014

TB CAB Open Letter to Kochon Foundation, Stop TB Partnership and Kochon Prize Selection Committee
19 June 2014

Open letter to Otsuka: Continued Concerns About Delamanid’s Accessibility
12 March 2014

TB CAB, CRAG, TAG Open Letter to AstraZeneca
13 February 2014

TB CAB, TAG Open Letter to Cepheid
6 January 2014

Open letter: Appreciation for Commitment by Sanofi U.S. to Lower the Price of Rifapentine
18 December 2013

TB CAB, CRAG, TAG Open Letter to Otsuka
4 December 2013

TAG, TB CAB Open Letter to Alere
6 August 2013

TAG, TB CAB Open Letter to Sequella
22 July 2013

TAG, TB CAB, India CAB Open Letter to Immunoshop
2 July 2013

Open Letter to Sanofi: Reduce Rifapentine Cost and Increase Research Funding
1 July 2013

TAG, TB CAB, India CAB Open Letter to Qiagen
14 May 2013

TB CAB Letters on EU-India FTA
16 April 2013

Open Letter to the European Medicines Agency Regarding the Filing of the Drugs Delamanid and Bedaquiline for Market Approval
18 March 2013

TB CAB, TAG Open Letter to Janssen Regarding the FDA Approval of Bedaquiline
14 March 2013

Letters to Otsuka, Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson, Food and Drug Administration and European Medicines Agency on Delamanid and Bedaquiline and Replies
24 May 2012

Open Letter Regarding Cepheid Pricing of the GeneXpert Machines and Cartridges for High-Burden Settings in the Public and Private Sectors
16 April 2012

Open Letter to the Medicines Control Council and Ministry of Health on Urgent Need for Compassionate Use of Bedaquiline for XDR-TB and Pre-XDR-TB in South Africa
11 April 2012

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