Webinar: Speed-Up, Scale-Up TB Testing: Maximizing Impact of Newer and Emerging Diagnostics
10 September 2024
The Diagnostics Equity Consortium (DEC) and the Global TB Community Advisory Board (TB CAB) will host a three-part study club online series exploring the evolving TB diagnostic landscape and strategies to increase TB testing coverage.
The first session will be held on 17 September 2024, 1pm – 3 pm CET-SAST (7 am – 9 am ET), and will dive into the current TB testing gap and explore the latest testing tools and strategies that have the potential to drive change.
- Patrick Agbassi, Co-Chair, TB CAB
- Tejaswini (Teju) Dharmapuri Vachaspathi, TB Project Associate, Treatment Access Group (TAG)
- Morten Ruhwald, Director, Tuberculosis Programme, FIND
- Alice Kayongo (moderator), Senior Associate, Center for Global Health Policy & Politics, O’Neill Institute for National & Global Health Law
If you would like to receive a recording of the first session or receive updates/information on subsequent sessions, please write to Alice Kayongo <ak2141@georgetown.edu>.
Diagnostics Equity Consortium (DEC) is hosted by the Pan-African Treatment Access Movement (PATAM) and the Center for Global Health Policy & Politics at Georgetown University’s O’Neill Institute and School of Health. DEC is open to civil society and community organizations and individuals committed to equitable access to diagnostics across diseases/health issues. For more information, click here.
TB CAB: The Global Tuberculosis Community Advisory Board (TB CAB) is a group of strong, research-literate community activists from HIV and TB networks around the world dedicated to increasing community involvement in TB research and access to tools to fight TB. More information here: www.globaltbcab.org