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TB Takes Center Stage at the UN Hearing on AMR

27 May 2024

Stop TB Partnership-led delegation of TB survivors, researchers, communities and civil society representatives attended the Multi-stakeholder Hearing on AMR to push for the inclusion of TB in the upcoming AMR Political Declaration.

Drug-resistant TB is one of the leading reasons for death due to antimicrobial resistance (AMR).

A Stop TB Partnership-led delegation of TB survivors, researchers, communities and civil society representatives attended the Multi-stakeholder Hearing on 15 May 2024 in preparation of the United Nations High-Level Meeting on Antimicrobial Resistance to be held on 26 September 2024.

The delegation attended the Hearing to push for the inclusion of TB in the upcoming AMR Political Declaration, building on already made commitments during the United Nations High-Level Meeting on TB in 2023.

Ahead of the Hearing, the Stop TB Partnership launched the Key Asks from TB community for the UN High-Level Meeting on AMR.

Full details about the interventions during the Hearing, including full recording of the meeting, are available here.

Source: Stop TB Partnership


Treatment Action Group (TAG) also delivered an intervention at the Multi-stakeholder Hearing on AMR, calling on member states to incorporate drug-resistant TB (DR-TB) in the Political Declaration as a key component of AMR response. In particular, TAG urged member states to fund TB research and development — especially for vaccines to prevent DR-TB — and to center the Right to Science within all policy approaches to AMR.

Source: Treatment Action Group

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