Announcement on the Challenge Facility for Civil Society Round 13
29 January 2025
Message from the Stop TB Partnership
Dear applicants,
As you are aware, the United States is currently reshaping its international aid and official development assistance priorities. This process includes a review of USAID investments in health and this includes different areas of work in the Stop TB Partnership, such as the Challenge Facility for Civil Society.
Challenge Facility for Civil Society has become the leading mechanism for local TB community organizations and people affected by TB. It fills a gap that no other initiatives do, consistently delivering impact with relatively low levels of investment.
It is also the mechanism that serves as an enabler for Global Fund TB country grants and the Stop TB Partnership’s Global Drug Facility advancing access to quality TB services, through efforts of community engagement, demand creation for TB tools, advocacy for domestic financing, community-led monitoring for accountability and stigma reduction.
We recognize that along with all your efforts as local community partners, the support of USAID is the reason Challenge Facility for Civil Society has become such a critical mechanism for the TB response, contributing to significant increases in the number of people accessing TB diagnosis, treatment and prevention and thus lives being saved.
We are waiting for more communication from the US Government representatives to understand the new priorities better. However, in the meantime, we would like to let you know that the Challenge Facility for Civil Society Round 13 is on hold until further notice.
We apologize to all of you who, have spent time developing proposals. We will continue to communicate with you all as more information becomes available.
Source: Stop TB Partnership