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Advocates Call on Sequella to Provide Open Access to Sutezolid Data

21 February 2017

TB advocates appeal to Sequella to act in the interest of public health and provide open access to all existing sutezolid data.

In an open letter sent to Sequella on 21 February 2017, TB advocates called attention to the recent agreement between Johns Hopkins University and the Medicines Patent Pool regarding the rights to develop sutezolid in combination for TB, and urged Sequella to provide open access to all existing clinical data for sutezolid to facilitate and accelerate its further clinical development.

“We now appeal to Sequella to act in the interest of public health and provide open access to all existing sutezolid data. In the absence of this data, researchers will have to redo studies, wasting precious resources and time, and delaying both sutezolid’s advancement and urgently needed, better treatment options for TB patients.”

The signatories requested a response before 7 March 2017.

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