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Advocates Call for the Philippines Food and Drug Administration to Register Delamanid

19 December 2016

TB advocates encourage the Philippines Food and Drug Administration to approve delamanid, and important treatment option for people with multidrug-resistant TB.

In an open letter sent 19 December 2016, Filipino and global organizations and individuals concerned about the health and wellbeing of people affected by TB encouraged the Philippines Food and Drug Administration to rapidly approve delamanid (Deltyba), an important treatment option for people with multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB).

The Philippines has one of the highest burdens of TB and MDR-TB in the world. “New treatment options are urgently needed.”

The letter acknowledged the work the Philippines has done thus far in response to MDR-TB, including hosting the clinical trials that led to the approval of bedaquiline (Sirturo) and delamanid (Deltyba) by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the European Medicines Agency several years ago, and the approval of bedaquiline by the Philippines Food and Drug Administration in 2014. “We encourage the Philippines Food and Drug Administration to act similarly and approve delamanid without further delay.”

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