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Advocates Call for the Ministry of Health in Peru to Facilitate Access to Delamanid

16 October 2016

TB advocates encourage the Ministry of Health in Peru to develop country guidance on the use of delamanid for the treatment of drug-resistant TB, a first step to facilitating access.

In an open letter sent 17 October 2016, the Global TB Community Advisory Board (TB CAB) encouraged the Minister of Health to take steps necessary to providing access to delamanid, a new drug important to effectively addressing the epidemic of multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB) in Peru, identified by the World Health Organization as a high MDR-TB burden country.

The letter points out that the first step to facilitating access is the development of guidelines for the use of delamanid under programmatic conditions in Peru.

The letter acknowledged the work Peru has done thus far in response to MDR-TB, including the provision of bedaquiline, another new TB drug. “However, another equally important new MDR‐TB drug, delamanid, is yet not available in Peru.”

The TB CAB requested a response by 24 October 2016, inclusive of an update on the current situation with regard to development of guidelines for and registration of delamanid in Peru.

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