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TAG, TB CAB Open Letter to Sequella

22 July 2013

Re: Further research into sutezolid urgently needed for tuberculosis

This open letter from from Treatment Action Group (TAG), the Global TB Community Advisory Board (TB CAB), the Community Research Advisors Group to the Tuberculosis Trials Consortium and the Asia Pacific Network of People Living with HIV urges Sequella to pursue the rapid development of sutezolid, a promising new treatment for tuberculosis. Last week, Sequella acquired the right to develop sutezolid from Pfizer, which had supported the compound’s preliminary development.

Sequella has announced that they plan to develop sutezolid under both its own New Drug Application and together with their other anti-TB compound SQ109. The letter is asking Sequella to commit to making sutezolid available to public, not-for-profit research consortia so that sutezolid’s potential can be explored in combination studies with other drugs. The AIDS Clinical Trials Group, the Tuberculosis Trials Consortium and the TB Alliance have all designed trials that would include sutezolid, but the drug has not been made available for these critical collaborations.

“We urge Sequella to be more proactive in developing sutezolid under its own New Drug Application, together with SQ109 and in concert with other drugs.”

“A strong commitment to advancing the drug rapidly and through collaboration with public sector research consortia will maximize the value of past and present investments in sutezolid.”

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